13, Sep 2023
How To Implement a Winning AI and Automation Strategy 2023

I’ve been hanging out in chatrooms, talking to some automation experts, completing AI certificates on #LinkedInlearning, and reading great content that I received about creating a winning AI and Automation strategy. Your AI and Automation Strategy Let’s talk about #Automation… One of my favourite automation experts is Ed Axe. He runs an agency…

9, Feb 2023
What Is A RIF: Reduction In Force?

Unlike furloughs and layoffs, where you intend to call back the employees when business circumstances change, a reduction in force or RIF is a permanent removal of posts. Some layoffs and furloughs turn into a RIF if the business doesn’t pick up for an organization again. Why Did Reduction In…

31, Jan 2023
How Venture Leasing Adds Millions To A Startup’s Equity Value

What is venture leasing and why has it ended up being so attractive to venture capital-backed startups? Venture Leasing Venture leasing is just like regular leasing in the sense that it is a service under which one party provides an asset to another party for a short period of time.…