founder domain expertise
28, Apr 2024
How To Use The Startup Ideation Process To Be Successful

As a startup founder, you know that a great idea is just the beginning. To turn that idea into a successful business, you need a solid startup ideation process. Whether you’re launching your first startup or looking to optimize your current business model, understanding how to effectively ideate can make…

best practices for startups
13, Jan 2024
The Ultimate Guide To Best Practices For Startups 2024

Laying the Foundation for Success Before You Raise Capital Launching a startup is like building a rocket ship. You have a bold vision, a passionate team, and enough fuel to get you off the ground. But just like a rocket can easily veer off course without proper navigation and protocols,…

startup investor update
16, Mar 2023
How To Create A Startup Investor Report That Builds Trust

A Startup Investor Report is an essential and expected part of operating a business when you start a business where there are other investors and shareholders besides yourself. Get Your Startup Investor Report Right – And Your Team Will Be Tight Investor reports are vital for any startup business. It’s…

startup vs small business
6, Mar 2023
Startup vs Small Business. How To. Which Is Better?

Startup vs Small Business. Are they the same? The short answer is – no. To be a Startup, the Founder has to commit to, and the business model has to enable, a rapid scaling/growth model that ideally culminates in at least a US 1 Billion company valuation followed by an…

startup mentoring
28, Feb 2023
Startup Mentors: Investors? Why Now? Where? When? How To?

Startup Mentors can be the difference between a Startup succeeding or failing. Why then do so many Founders get this wrong? Investors as Startup Mentors One of the very best places to find mentors is within the ranks of investors who have already invested in you and your company. There…

9, Jan 2023
Need Capital For Your Startup? Be Like A Camel. Not A Horse.

Need capital for your startup? Right now the fundraising environment is fickle and will remain so for the rest of 2023. So I’m advising my mentees and portfolio companies to be like a camel, not a horse. take capital if it’s available and store it until they need it. Don’t…

30, Sep 2021
Are You A Hoarder Or A Sharer?

Do You Follow The “Rule of Gold” or “The Golden Rule”…? Put another way, are you a hoarder or a sharer? I have found that business people, well actually all people, fall into one of two groups. Are You A Hoarder? Those who feel, mostly on an instinctual level, that…