10, Jul 2023
Startup Fundraising VC Investor-Ready Pack

This file contains five (5) tools in one. It’s an (editable) Excel Workbook that contains five sections as follows:

  1. Pitch deck slide order
  2. Explanation from Dave McClure as to why each slide is needed and what it should contain
  3. VC standard pitch deck scoring template (75 data points)
  4. My own VC standard investment decision tree
  5. VC investment criteria checklist, summary and evaluation score 

startup fundraising VC investor-ready pack
Every Startup Founder needs this pack! A combination of key tools that a Founder needs if they are to be on the same page as investors, especially venture capital investors.

Most Founders also benefited from attending my Startup Fundraising Masterclass, which I only hold once a week and is limited to 20 people so that it can be run in a more interactive format.