The Key To Every Successful Startup Fundraise Is A Killer Pitch Deck

Using the approved pitch deck template will result in more investors meeting you.

The Must Have Pitch Deck Template!
Don't miss your chance. Get the first key to unlocking investor interest.
We respect your privacy.

Mondays and Fridays I hold a pitch deck Masterclass for a maximum of 10 founders. It’s hands-on. I’ll analyse 2-3 pitch decks of founders who volunteer. I’ll explain what investors expect to see, and how best to highlight the founder’s story.

I end each session with a few minutes of Q&A.

We offer this at US$49.97 per participant so that the quality of access is high.

You can book your slot by clicking this Calendly link –

P.S. If you KNOW you need help with your Pitch Deck – I have some paid solutions on my products page –

Don’t forget to check out the other two keys to getting your Startup onto the path to success by completing these two forms – and